i'm fully into my third swing thru 80s-mania. i can't pinpoint a single cause, but maybe it's the fact that my
wayfarers are just about the only pair of shades i can't lose. or the fact that the every time i listen to the new
m83, i get taken into some other, even cooler john hughes film i never even knew existed. or maybe it's my excitement about next weekend's
graffiti rock at bay to breakers. i could go on, but i saw
son of rambow last weekend, and though it didn't live up to my lofty expectations, the 80s soundtrack did. some familiar but favorite tracks from the cure (close to me), siouxsie and the banshees (peek-a-boo) and nu shooz (i can't wait) to name a few. the movie is worth seeing by the way - if only for the ambiguous french exchange student, didier, who is the coolest teenager i've seen on film since john hughes' heyday. clearly a front-runner for halloween 2008.
Clip from SON OF RAMBOW - Just Can't Get Enough