i'm in love with 'hospice', the latest album from the antlers. the music takes you on a bit of a journey - that at least for me, lands somewhere between broken social scene, and talk talk's 'spirit of eden,' which i only recently discovered, but highly recommend for late nights and long drives. my first impressions of the antlers came from the single 'two,' which you can hear below, or here at spinner, where you can listen to the entire album for free - at least for now. 'two' is a simple, but powerful song takes its sweet time getting there, but clearly stands out, along with 'bear,' as one of the album's few truly accessible songs. this an album to take in its entirety...beautiful, atmospheric melodies often take precedence over whispered vocals (try the haunting 'thirteen'). the songs blend together so nicely that i almost wish they hadn't bothered breaking it down into the individual tracks.
the antlers - two (via spinner)